In this guide, we'll walk you through the three phases of setting up this feature: configuring campaign settings, creating the discount code in your ecommerce software, and installing the incentive widget on your site. If you're looking for more general information about Invite Rewards and how they work, consult this article

Configuring Campaign Settings

In this step we'll update your campaign to include the necessary settings to setup invite rewards

  1. Login to ICS Admin: Access your ICS admin dashboard

  2. Navigate to the Campaign settings: Choose the campaign you want to add an "Invite Reward" to and find the "Settings" tab

  3. Find Invite Reward settings: Look for the "Invite Reward" section under the "Offer" settings tab

  4. Fill in the Details and Save:

    • Discount Code: Input the discount code you plan to offer

    • Discount Description: Write a brief description of what the discount entails (e.g., "20% off your first purchase")

Creating the Discount Code in Your Ecommerce Platform

To make sure the invitee can redeem their discount code, you'll have to create it in the settings of your ecommerce platform

  1. Access Ecommerce Software: Log in to your ecommerce platform.

  2. Navigate to Discounts/Promotions: Find the section where you can create new discount codes.

  3. Create New Code: Enter the same code you used in the ICS settings. Configure any additional constraints as desired (e.g., expiration date, minimum value, etc.)

  4. Save and Test: Make sure to save the new discount code and test it to ensure it works as expected

Installing the Incentive Widget

  1. Go back to your campaign in the ICS Admin

  2. Find the Integrations tab

  3. Select "Incentive" Widget Type

  4. Customize Widget as Desired: All widget customizations will work with the Incentive widget, so customize it to suit your campaign strategy. We do recommend turning on the setting for "Open When Invited" and setting the trigger to "Hidden" so only customers landing from an invite link will be able to claim the discount

  5. Copy Code Snippet

  6. Insert Code on Landing Page: If you need more help, consult the appropriate installation guide

  7. Verify the Setup: Do a test run to confirm the widget displays as expected and that the discount codes are functioning properly

Now you're good to go!

Setting up the "Invite Reward" feature can greatly incentivize invitees to make purchases, thereby increasing conversions for your influencers and sales for your business. While the setup involves steps across different platforms, the effort is well worth the impact it can have on your campaign's success.

This feature serves as a win-win-win for you, your influencers, and the invitees, making it a valuable addition to your referral marketing strategy.

Note: This is only available using the Latest (V2) integration and isn't supported by the Legacy (V1) widget.